Friday, April 1, 2011

How insecure am I?

How insecure am I?  Oh, I'd have to say on a scale of one to ten, that I am a rock solid ten. I second guess my every move when I am outside of my own little cocoon. I prefer the safe confines of home. That's why the idea of blogging suits me so well. So here I sit, at home, figuring out how to set up this blog-site. Is that what you call it? A blog site? I don't know. Anywho, I am trying to come up with a name for this blog. It is supposed to be creative, catchy, clever, friendly and say something about what this blog is all about, right? So, I come up with a name that I think pretty well sums up the "feeling" of my site and I type it in the little box. As I am typing it, I do notice, and become aware, that there will be a scan to see if anyone is already using the name that I have chosen....and after about a milli-second later, the site name is cleared for use. NO ONE had picked The Insecure Woman for the name of their blog. No one. My first thoughts were: 1) it must be a dumb name, and 2) maybe I am the only woman on the planet who feels insecure. Gah!


  1. Loved this...welcome to the Blogging world. Looking forward to reading more in the future.

  2. You are very welcome. Have a great day.
